Trading in your #Toyota for a #Prius
Trading in your #Prius for a #Toyota
Trading in anything for a #Toyota #Prius
“Trading up” to a #Lexus
Tweeting about gayporn during the presidential invocation at a national prayer breakfast
Dropping your beer in the library
Dropping your beer during the job interview
Dropping your beer at a wake (apologies to Jeff Foxworthy for the last three...)
Dropping your beer at a papal audience
Your nose starts bleeding during a meeting with your boss after she returns from a long vacation or absence
Having to turn in a sex tape...about your former boss... http://su.pr/1OOrn5
How can #SarahSilvermanProgram be back on!? Didnt #COMEDYCENTRAL cancel it already!? #SoConfused Sorry #Sillies #whatcouldbeworse?
Having some newscaster reading these dumb tweets live on TV during a presidential invocation at a prayer breakfast #whatcouldbeworse?
Throwing up uncontrollably during a presidential invocation at a prayer breakfast on Live TV #whatcouldbeworse?
Leaving your mike on during a restroom break during a presidential invocation at a prayer breakfast on Live TV #whatcouldbeworse?
Snoring during a presidential invocation at a prayer breakfast on Live TV #whatcouldbeworse?
Listening to loud hardcoregayporn on your iPhone wearing earbuds during a presidential invocation at a prayer breakfast #whatcouldbeworse?
Wearing earbuds on your iPhone during a presidential invocation at a prayer breakfast #whatcouldbeworse?
Looking at hardcoregayporn on your iPhone during a presidential invocation #whatcouldbeworse?
Looking at hardcoregayporn on your iPhone during a presidential prayer breakfast #whatcouldbeworse?
Looking at softcoreporn on your iPhone during a presidential prayer breakfast #whatcouldbeworse?
Looking at softcoreporn on your monitor during a TV interview #whatcouldbeworse?
Tweeting during a presidential prayer breakfast #whatcouldbeworse?
Texting while driving a Toyota in Haiti #whatcouldbeworse?
Texting while driving a Toyota #whatcouldbeworse?
Passing gass at a presidential prayer breakfast #whatcouldbeworse
Driving a Toyota in Haiti #whatcouldbeworse
Bit.ly: http://bit.ly/d7RsjF
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